Effective implementation of corporate governance requires companies to have a deep understanding of its core concepts and principles and to be aware of its vital importance for the long-term success of the company. LGC’s services assist companies to fully comply with the legal and regulatory requirements and draft its own corporate governance codes and charters. However, it is our core belief that effective implementation of such codes in a meaningful manner would require companies to fully understand the core principles and concepts upon which corporate governance is founded and aims to achieve. LGC developed three levels of enlightened corporate governance solutions to help companies effectively comply with corporate governance regulations and create their own and unique corporate governance methodologies and practices embedded in their internal corporate governance code.
Enlightened Solutions
We are ready to advise on compliance issues & drafting your own corporate governance code through our own approach which is combining our corporate governance advisory services with high-level learning sessions, as per the following:
Solution A: Enlightened Corporate Governance
Road map towards effective compliance and corporate governance code
Complying with the developing international and local corporate governance regulations is becoming an increasingly demanding burden on companies that lack the necessary understanding of the core principles and concept of corporate governance. Such lack of awareness will inevitably render companies unable to comply with corporate governance in a meaningful manner, waste time and resources, and increase the risk of breaching mandatory legal duties and obligations. Interactive learning training sessions will assist companies to find the necessary solutions to transform the regulatory compliance burden into a meaningful framework that helps companies to achieve sustainable success.
Enlightened Corporate Governance solution consists of the following modules:
- The emergence and need for corporate governance as a concept; its theories, features and principles.
- Board of directors: its main roles; ‘direct’ and ‘control’, Legal duties and liabilities. The formation and roles of board sub-committees.
- Corporate governance and the accuracy of financial statements.
- Corporate governance and internal controls.
- Open collaborative learning session on compliance, drafting corporate governance code and effective implementation.
Who should attend? Companies leaderships; Board of Directors and top executive and whomever the company nominates from the relevant departments.
Course duration: 16 Hours
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Solution B: Enlightened Company's Purpose
Linking the company’s purpose and values to the company’s corporate governance.
The financial crisis 2008 spotlighted the question on the methods under which companies are directed, operated and run. Research on a wide range of companies proved that businesses driven by profit failed or struggled to survive, while those that built their model on a purpose and set of values grew even at times of market failure. This solution assists the company’s leadership in directing the company by establishing clear purposes and sets of values, which help them lead the transformation of the company into a model that can embrace changes in markets, business models and technology, through interactive learning and brainstorming sessions, as per the following models:
- Basic business vs purpose driven business.
- The relation between adding value and company’s success.
- The role of the board of directors in establishing the company’s purpose and core values.
- Introducing cultural change in the company based on the company’s purpose and values.
- Open collaborative brainstorming sessions on different successful purpose-driven international business models.
Who should attend? Companies leadership; Board of Directors and top executive and whomever the company nominates from the relevant departments.
Course duration: 12 Hours
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Solution C: Enlightened Board of Directors
Unleashing the secret dynamics of the board room.
Major decisions made by the board of directors shape the company’s destiny and its path. Decisions made by a group of individuals collectively, are not always the best. Indeed, many companies collapsed due to wrong decisions caused by biases or domination over the decision making, or lack of openness and/or information in the board room.
Decisions made in the board room are subject to deep research and theories, which analyzes the way board members react towards decisions presented to the board such as the psychology of decision making, board dynamics, group thinking, anachronism and other matters that affects the independent judgment of the board members.
Enlightened Board of Directors solution, sheds light on matters of board dynamics, group thinking, psychology of decision making, leadership and other matters. This solution helps board members as individuals and the board as a group of people, in creating the right atmosphere and openness, which enables them to embrace new ideas, and to objectively assess their old decisions, through interactive learning sessions as per the following modules:
- The role of the board of directors and the decision-making processes.
- Board dynamics, group thinking and psychology of decision making.
- Legal Liability and flexibility of decision making.
- Open collaborative session on examples of board room practices.
Who should attend? Board of director’s members and board secretary.
Duration: 12 Hours
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